Protect yourself, your family and your business..

Get your Texas License to Carry Permit.  You will need to attend a Texas DPS License to Carry a Handgun (LTC) class, formerly known as the Concealed Handgun License (CHL) class OR if you get 10 or more participants you can host a class with an instructor at your residence or business! Email us at for details!  Get your instruction from a a Certified Texas License to Carry/ NRA Instructor and Marine/Army Veteran.  We have several course opportunities to meet your needs whether you are a beginning or experienced shooter. See our specials for Veterans, Active Military, First Responders along with Ladies Only Classes.  Also the opportunity to earn a Visa card by referring students or get your class at no cost to you except range fees.  Be sure and see the NRA Refuse to be a Victim class and learn strategies for crime prevention.  We look forward to helping you uphold your 2nd Amendment right to bear arms and help you protect yourself, your family and your business.